The Methodist Church 2022 Annual Conference

The Methodist Church Conference is the governing body of the Church under God.  It has responsibility for the government, discipline, management and administration of the life of the Church. Members of the Church hold a trustee responsibility.  The Conference is also a place for worship, thanksgiving, ordination and celebration.

The business of the Conference is done by seeking the will of God through conferring together.  Members of the Conference are representatives, not delegates.

The Conference met for eight days at the Telford International Centre in June this year, 2022. The conference was both in-person and hybrid, so R&B AV technicians worked to ensure the live stream was secure, robust and of good quality for remote viewing by church members across the UK.


The Telford International Centre offers a ‘brand free’ space which event planners can make their own so a clean but authoritative backdrop and stage was designed in keeping with the Churches themes of worship, reflection and celebration.

R&B Approach

The Methodist Church is one of many R&B groups longstanding clients and we have worked with them for over 18 years. As is the norm for this conference a large top table suitable for the conference secretariat was designed and built in R&B’s construction workshops and installed at the rear of the stage on a high platform. On the stage floor below a rise and fall lectern was installed, making sure there was enough room for musicians and worship leaders. All projection, sound and lighting are rigged at height to ensure good sound and vision quality with no H&S hazards on the floor.
The minimal but authoritative stage background using the Methodist Church brand colours and logo ensured there was minimal distraction for church members who needed to focus on the day’s proceedings.

One of the main reasons The Methodist Church enjoy working with us is because we provide the same Project Manager and core crew every year. Due to the very complex and sometimes controversial debates and insightful worship sessions our team is always very sensitive and respectful towards everyone. Every request is responded to with a ‘can-do’ attitude and our sound and graphics operators have to be alert to very last minute changes and even the occasional protest.

We are often amused each year with the many ways our production team help church members. They have made very successful repairs to spectacles, shoes and bags. With our wide variety of on-site engineering tool kits and the ‘super power of gaffa tape’ it’s truly amazing what Team R&B can achieve!